Knowledge is power. Although many of us find it uncomfortable to think about and address issues such as mortality or…
A client once shared the “The Five Wishes” document, which explores issues relating to end of life care. It covers personal,…
Continuing with our “list” theme, here’s a list of things we should not do with respect to estate planning:
‘Tis the season, for lists! So, here are four things we’re calling the “do’s” of estate planning: (1) Have Powers…
People often think that an estate plan primarily consists of a having a last will and testament created, but you…
As you may know, a financial power of attorney is very important because it allows a person you appoint — called…
Continuing with the estate planning theme, people often work with an attorney to form a trust as part of their…
Conventional wisdom is defined as a generally accepted theory or belief, and it can be dangerous – thus the above…
Decisions with respect to retirement are often made without sufficient information, and it is in everyone’s best interest to diligently…
People are sometimes surprised to discover that a comprehensive estate plan will include provisions for special needs family members and…