Our previous two posts have shared examples of the complications our families can face if we fail to create a…
Continuing with our theme of “learning life lessons” from the rich and famous, it is important to update or at…
There are lessons to be learned from many sources in life, one of which can be the “rich and famous.”…
We have always focused on providing comprehensive estate planning and elder law services to our clients, and recently found a…
People often tell us they are unsure about their status or level of protection when it comes to estate planning…
While most of us will benefit from a properly drafted estate plan, sometimes people ask if they can take the…
People are sometimes very serious when thinking about creating an estate plan, but the process doesn’t need to be a…
If you are nearing retirement age, be sure to avoid these three common pitfalls related to Medicare: Don’t miss the…
We encourage people to take control of their future with my Social Security at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount. Create a “my Social Security…
As you may have heard, effective January 1, 2018, the federal estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exemption amounts…